Naugatuck State Forest Hike 6.14.06

Went for a long hike today. Followed a trail I mapped out using an aerial photograph of Naugatuck State Park, which I designed to lead to a pond (not listed on maps.) When I arrived at the pond, it turned out to be more of a swamp. Couldn't get anything to strike lures..and I believe there may only be catfish if anything in there.

Came across what I believe to be a large map turtle, which seemed too far from the swamp...and also seemed a bit distressed. I carried the turtle a quarter mile back to swamp, and I hope I didn't disturb some natural migration/mating process. I also found and took large feathers...possibly from a hawk.

Around dusk I went to the falls in Seymour to fish. Caught three SMB, one LMB, one Rock Bass. All were fairly small, except for the Rock Bass. Fish caught on spinners and spoons.

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